Written by 12:50 pm Microsoft, PowerShell, Windows • 15 Comments

My Windows Terminal Color Schemes

Windows Terminal Color Schemes -Themes

The Windows Terminal became generally available at the Microsoft Build 2020 virtual conference a couple of weeks ago. I already blogged about how you can customize your Windows Terminal settings and shared my settings.json file. Many people asked me about the different Windows Terminal Color Schemes I use. So I thought a blog post would be a good way of sharing my Windows Terminal Schemes.

Windows Terminal 1.0 was released on May 19, you can find more documentation here on Microsoft Docs.

I already shared a couple of blog posts on how you can customize your Windows Terminal experience:

My Windows Terminal Color Schemes

Here is my Windows Terminal Color Schemes. Since I use the acrylic effect, I post a picture when the Windows Terminal window is active and one where it is inactive.

Vibrant Tom

Vibrant Tom

Vibrant Tom

Vibrant Tom Inactive

Vibrant Tom Inactive

This one I use for my default shell (PowerShell 7).

            // Color Scheme: VibrantTom
            "background" : "#16171D",
            "black" : "#878787",
            "blue" : "#44B4CC",
            "brightBlack" : "#E373C8",
            "brightBlue" : "#0000FF",
            "brightCyan" : "#19D1D8",
            "brightGreen" : "#81EC0D",
            "brightPurple" : "#FF00FF",
            "brightRed" : "#FF0000",
            "brightWhite" : "#E5E5E5",
            "brightYellow" : "#FFD93D",
            "cyan" : "#19D1D8",
            "foreground" : "#FFFFFF",
            "green" : "#CCFF04",
            "name" : "VibrantTom",
            "purple" : "#9933CC",
            "red" : "#FF6600",
            "white" : "#F5F5F5",
            "yellow" : "#FFD93D"

Windows PowerShell Tom

Windows PowerShell Tom

Windows PowerShell Tom

Windows PowerShell Tom Inactive

Windows PowerShell Tom Inactive

            // Color Scheme: PowerShellTom
            "background" : "#012456",
            "black" : "#000000",
            "blue" : "#0000ff",
            "brightBlack" : "#AAAAAA",
            "brightBlue" : "#44B4CC",
            "brightCyan" : "#19D1D8",
            "brightGreen" : "#81EC0D",
            "brightPurple" : "#FF00FF",
            "brightRed" : "#FF0000",
            "brightWhite" : "#E5E5E5",
            "brightYellow" : "#FFD93D",
            "cyan" : "#19D1D8",
            "foreground" : "#FFFFFF",
            "green" : "#00ff00",
            "name" : "PowerShellTom",
            "purple" : "#9933CC",
            "red" : "#FF6600",
            "white" : "#F5F5F5",
            "yellow" : "#FFD93D"

Retro Command Prompt

Retro Command Prompt

Retro Command Prompt




Dracula Inactive

Dracula Inactive

            // Color Scheme: Dracula
            "background" : "#282A36",
            "black" : "#21222C",
            "blue" : "#BD93F9",
            "brightBlack" : "#6272A4",
            "brightBlue" : "#D6ACFF",
            "brightCyan" : "#A4FFFF",
            "brightGreen" : "#69FF94",
            "brightPurple" : "#FF92DF",
            "brightRed" : "#FF6E6E",
            "brightWhite" : "#FFFFFF",
            "brightYellow" : "#FFFFA5",
            "cyan" : "#8BE9FD",
            "foreground" : "#F8F8F2",
            "green" : "#50FA7B",
            "name" : "Dracula",
            "purple" : "#FF79C6",
            "red" : "#FF5555",
            "white" : "#F8F8F2",
            "yellow" : "#F1FA8C"

Ubuntu Legit



UbuntuLegit Inactive

UbuntuLegit Inactive

This one I saw first at Scott Hanselman’s blog. This one I use for my Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) running Ubuntu.

            // Color Scheme: UbuntuLegit
            "background":  "#2C001E",
            "black":  "#4E9A06",
            "blue":  "#3465A4",
            "brightBlack":  "#555753",
            "brightBlue":  "#729FCF",
            "brightCyan":  "#34E2E2",
            "brightGreen":  "#8AE234",
            "brightPurple":  "#AD7FA8",
            "brightRed":  "#EF2929",
            "brightWhite":  "#EEEEEE",
            "brightYellow":  "#FCE94F",
            "cyan":  "#06989A",
            "foreground":  "#EEEEEE",
            "green":  "#300A24",
            "name":  "UbuntuLegit",
            "purple":  "#75507B",
            "red":  "#CC0000",
            "white":  "#D3D7CF",
            "yellow":  "#C4A000"

Vibrant Tom Light

Vibrant Tom Light

Vibrant Tom Light

Vibrant Tom Light Inactive

Vibrant Tom Light Inactive

This one I am still working on. I am not 100 percent happy, so let me know if you have any ideas.

            // Color Scheme: VibrantInkTom Light
            "background" : "#EEEEEE",
            "black" : "#878787",
            "blue" : "#44B4CC",
            "brightBlack" : "#595e68",
            "brightBlue" : "#0000FF",
            "brightCyan" : "#19D1D8",
            "brightGreen" : "#3f953a",
            "brightPurple" : "#FF00FF",
            "brightRed" : "#FF0000",
            "brightWhite" : "#E5E5E5",
            "brightYellow" : "#FF6600",
            "cyan" : "#44B4CC",
            "foreground" : "#16171D",
            "green" : "#3f953a",
            "name" : "VibrantTomLight",
            "purple" : "#9933CC",
            "red" : "#FF6600",
            "white" : "#F5F5F5",
            "yellow" : "#FFD93D"


I hope this blog post helps you to customize your Windows Terminal and I hope you like my Windows Terminal color schemes. Let me know in the comments which Windows Terminal Theme you like best.

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: June 14, 2020
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