Eject ISO from Hyper-V VM using PowerShell
This is one of these quick and dirty blog posts mostly as a note for myself. Hyper-V offers the...
Add ISO DVD Drive to a Hyper-V VM using PowerShell
Hyper-V offers the capability to add an ISO image to a virtual CD/DVD drive and you can use Hyper-V Manager to do that, or you can also use...
How to Install Hyper-V Server 2019
A couple of weeks ago Microsoft released the installation media, and you can download Hyper-V Server 2019 right now. In this blog post, I...
Create a USB Drive for Windows Server 2019 Installation
This blog post covers how you can create a bootable USB media drive to install Windows Server 2019 on a physical server. This blog post...
Create a Nano Server using the Nano Server Image Builder
Last week Microsoft released Windows Server 2016 to the public and at the weekend Microsoft released the Nano Server Image Builder. I...
How to create Windows Server bootable USB media for deployment on UEFI based systems
When you were create a USB media for PCs, notebooks and servers which were using BIOS you could use...
Add Cisco UCS drivers to Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V ISO Image
I already did a post how you can add the Cisco UCS drivers to a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Image using dism and imagex. With Windows...
Add drivers to Windows Server 2012 ISO Image
I already did a post how you can add drivers to a Windows Server 2008 R2 installation image with the command line tools dism and imagex....
Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate downloads and links
This is a quick list of all the downloads Microsoft made available with the release of the Windows...