Back in May Microsoft made the Azure Cloud Shell available in the Microsoft Azure Portal. Now you can use it even quicker by just go to First you login with your Microsoft account or Work and School account, and if your account is in multiple Azure Active Directory tenants, you select the right tenant and you will be automatically logged in. So even if you are on a PC where you can not install the Azure CLI or the Azure PowerShell module, you can still easily fire up a shell where you can run the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell and other CLI tools like Docker, Kubectl, emacs, vim, nano, git and more.
In addition you can also open up Azure Cloud Shell directly from Visual Studio Code
With that, enjoy your holidays and I wish you a good start in the new year!
Tags: Azure, Azure CLI, Azure Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, Bash, CLI, Cloud, Cloud Shell, CloudShell, cmd, Docker, Git, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, vscode Last modified: January 8, 2019