Run Azure Container Instances from the Docker CLI
Earlier Docker announced the partnership with Microsoft to bring support to run Azure Container...
How to Install a Windows Server Container Host
In this blog post, I want to quickly guide you through how you can install a Windows Server Container Host running Docker. This guide will...
Run Azure PowerShell in a Docker Container
Yesterday, the Azure PowerShell team announced the Azure PowerShell Docker Container images. In this post, I want to quickly highlight that...
Run Linux Containers with Docker Desktop and WSL 2
Today, Docker launched the first Tech Preview of the Docker Desktop WSL 2. This means you can now...
How to Install Azure CLI on Windows (one-liner)
There are many ways you can manage Azure, for example, by using the Azure PowerShell, Cloud Shell, or many other tools. One of them is the...
Mastering Azure with Cloud Shell
There are multiple ways to interact and manage resources in Microsoft Azure. You can use the Azure Portal or command line tools like the...
New Windows Server 2019 Container Images
Microsoft today released the new Windows Server 2019 again. After they quickly released Windows...
WLinux – The best WSL for Windows 10
A couple of Windows 10 releases back, Microsoft delivered the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to...
The New Windows Container Image
At Microsoft Build 2018, Microsoft announced a new Windows container image, next to the Windows Server Core container image and the Nano...
Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands 2018 in Ede
After speaking at Experts Live Netherlands in the past, I am happy to announce that I will be...