How to use Microsoft Document Connection for Mac with Genotec Hosted Sharepoint
Some days ago, I made a post about “How to use Microsoft Sharepoint Workspace 2010 with...
Powershell iTunes v1
In the last days I worked with Powershell and ComObjects. It turned out that iTunes is a really good exmaple for using ComObjects with...
SVN Basic
A colleague made a pretty cool blog post about svn basic on his blog. Subverion is a software versioning and a revision control system. At...
Error when trying to install Windows 7 x64 on your Mac
I tried to install Windows 7 Enterprise Edition x64 on older iMac at work with Bootcamp. After...
How to use Adium on every Mac OS X Space
Since Mac OS X Leopard I use Spaces a lot. In the System Preferences, Expose & Spaces you can configure Spaces. You can also configure...
HP iPrint iOS App
Yesterday Hewlett-Packard released iPrint version 3.0. And this is a perfect App for printing and scanning documents directly from your...
Convert Word Documents to PDF with Automator
I got a lot of Microsoft Word Documents form one of our professors at KTSI. But Evernote only...
DreamOn (Dreambox Remote) Update
Pulse-O-Meter released an update for DreamOn (DreamOn is an Dreambox Remote App for iOS) and they added support for the iPad. I think this...
My Bumper arrived
My iPhone 4 Bumper just arrived. I didn’t really like iPhone cases and things like that. I used my iPhone, my iPhone 3G and my iPhone...
GForge gets support for iOS
Good news for GForge users. GForge gets mobile support for iPhone and iPad. This was something I...