Azure geography and Azure Regions

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How to check the available VM Sizes (SKUs) by Azure Region

Do you want to know which Azure VM (virtual machine) sizes are available in an Azure region? Here are some simple ways like the Azure product page, the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or a simple Azure PowerShell command to list the Azure VM sizes per Azure region. As you know Microsoft Azure has different Azure Regions available around the world. While the teams are working hard to make services available in these regions, it can happen that certain Azure services and virtual machine sizes (SKUs) are not available in some of the regions.

Azure geography and Azure Regions
Azure geography and Azure Regions

If you want to know more about Azure Regions, check out our Azure geographies.

Available VM Sizes (SKUs) by Azure Region Product Page

Now to check which services are available in your preferred Azure region, I recommend that you check out the Products available by region page on If you search for virtual machines, you will find a list of Azure VM sizes available per region.

Products and services available by Azure region

Azure Portal

When you deploy an Azure VM directly from the portal, you can see the available Azure VM SKUs for the region you have selected.

VM sizes in the Azure portal
VM sizes in the Azure portal

Available VM Sizes (SKUs) by Azure Region CLI and PowerShell

Now if you are using the command line while working with Azure, might don’t want to always open a web browser, you can simply use the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell.

Azure CLI

With the Azure CLI you can run the following command. If you haven’t set the default output format to table in your Azure CLI, you can use the -o “table” parameter.

az vm list-sizes --location "eastus"
Azure CLI list VM sizes
Azure CLI list VM sizes

Azure PowerShell

With Azure PowerShell, you can use the following command

Get-AZVMSize -Location "eastus"
Azure PowerShell Get-AzVMSize
Azure PowerShell Get-AzVMSize

You can also us PowerShell to simply filter for different sizes, suing the Where-Object.

Get-AzVMSize -Location "eastus" | Where {$_.NumberOfCores -gt 128}
VMs with more than 128 cores
VMs with more than 128 cores


I hope this short guide helps you to easily list the find the available Azure VM sizes per region. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: February 11, 2021
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