Today I am proud to announce that I have the chance to present at the VCNRW – Virtualization Community NRW in Cologne Microsoft Office. The Virtualization Community NRW is a open community which focusses SBC, VDI, Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, XenApp, XenDesktop, Horizon View in NRW Germany. The event will take place at the 20th April in the Microsoft office Cologne.
In my session I will talk about some topics from Windows Server 2016 like Nano Server and Containers.
Check out the event page and join the fun, there will be a lot of community leaders and speakers to talk about the latest and greatest topics in the Virtualization community.
[cta title=”VCNRW ” button=”VCNRW Sessions 2016 ” link=””]Check out the event page[/cta]
Update: You can watch the recording on Microsoft Channel9
Tags: Azure, Cloud, Conference, Containers, Event, Hyper-V, Microsoft, Nano Server, Presenter, Presenting, Session, Speaker, Speaking, VCNRW, VCNRW 2016, Virtualization, Windows 10, Windows Server, Windows Server 2016 Last modified: November 1, 2018