Speaking at Global Azure 2021 (Livestream)
I am happy to let you know that I will be speaking and presenting at this year’s Global Azure...
Experts Live Switzerland 2020: Azure Hybrid – Learn about Hybrid Cloud Management
A couple of months ago I was speaking at Experts Live Switzerland 2020 in Bern. Now the recording of my session: “Azure Hybrid...
Speaking at ESPC20 Online
I am happy to let you know that I will be speaking at ESPC20 Online. This year ESPC20 will be a new virtual conference offering you...
Windows Server webinar miniseries – Month of Cloud Essentials
I want to let you know that in June I will be speaking in the Windows Server webinar miniseries...
Microsoft Build 2020 Expert Q&A Azure Hybrid Cloud Management
This year, the Microsoft Build 2020 (May 19-20) will be a global digital experience with a non-stop, 48-hour interactive livestream...
Microsoft Ignite 2019 Hybrid Cloud Management Session
Last week I had a fantastic time presenting and speaking at Microsoft Ignite 2019 in Orlando, FL. As mentioned before, I was presenting in...
Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands 2019 Breakout and Tech Panel!
I am happy to let you know that I will be speaking again at Experts Live Netherlands 2019! Experts...
Video: Mastering Azure using Cloud Shell, PowerShell and Bash!
At the NetWork 9 Conference in Neum and at the Global Azure Bootcamp in Switzerland, I presented my session about Mastering Azure using...
Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2019 Azure Hybrid Session Recordings
As you might know, had the chance to present my first sessions as a Microsoft employee at Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2019 in London and...
Speaking at the Intelligent Cloud Conference 2019
I am happy to announce that I will be one of the speakers at the Intelligent Cloud Conference 2019...