Written by 5:04 pm Microsoft, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

Windows Server 2012: Install Hyper-V Role for beginners

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Still a lot of people haven’t tired Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V. Now this blog post should help them doing the first step with Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V.

If you install you want to install the Hyper-V role on a Windows Server 2012 you have basically two choices. First you can install the role with the Server Manager.

Add Hyper-V role Server Manager

Here you can choose if you want also the management tools for Hyper-V. The management include the Hyper-V Manager Console and the Hyper-V PowerShell module.

If you want to install the Hyper-V role via command line or you are using the Windows Server 2012 core installation. There is the following PowerShell cmdlets available.

  Add-WindowsFeature Hyper-V -Restart -IncludeManagementTools

The parameters -restart and -includeManagementTools are optional.

Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: July 19, 2012
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