Written by 8:50 am Certification, Microsoft Azure • 2 Comments

Azure Enablement Show: How and why to earn an Azure Certification

Azure Enablement show Microsoft Azure Certifications

I am happy to let you know that I was part of the Azure Enablement show with April Edwards, to talk about Azure Certifications!. In this video, April and I discuss why Microsoft Azure certifications are worth your time and energy; and how they can lead to more confidence and clarity in your job. Thomas and April share their own experiences and recommendations on how to prepare for exams and how to approach getting your own certifications.

You can watch the full Azure Enablement Show: How and why to earn an Azure Certification video here on Microsoft Channel 9.

You can learn more here:

Also make sure you check out my blogs on Microsoft Certification:

And my Microsoft Azure certification exam study guides!

I hope this Azure Enablement show video on Microsoft Azure certifications and the included information is valuable for your Microsoft Azure certification journey! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below!

Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: March 23, 2021
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