The new SkyDrive rocks…
Today Microsoft released some new SkyDrive Apps for Windows and Mac and alos offers 25GB of free...
Windows Live error 8600108 when syncing Windows Live with Windows Phone
Yesterday morning I realized I did not get any mails over night so something must be wrong with the sync of my Windows Live/Hotmail...
Cleanup Windows Live Contacts
Some of my friends now get Windows Phones and I think it is important to start right and get the best possible user experience. Cleanup...
Import Evernote notes to OneNote 2010
Since I work more and more with Windows 7 I had a look at Microsoft OneNote 2010. Before I used...
Windows Live Mesh 2011
Microsoft released Windows Live Mesh 2011 last year but I did really spend a lot of attention to it. Until this weekend I needed to...
Use Hotmail as a Exchange Account on your iPhone
Hotmail or Windows Live do support ActiveSync for Mobile Devices like Windows Phone 7, iOS, Blackberry and so on. But it does not support...