Check NTFS Version
If you need to know which version of NTFS you are using you can do that with the fsutil.exe and the...
Simple Bean Machine program done in Powershell
In the last article I posted the C++ Code for a simple Bean Machine output. Now I did the same in Powershell. I know this is not really a...
Simple C++ Bean machine program @KTSI
This is a simple Bean machine program done in C++ for KTSI. This is how it works, you drop 100 balls and they fall in 6 different boxes....
Simple C++ rect2polar program @KTSI
This is another simple C++ program done for KTSI. This one converts rectangular to polar...
Simple C++ dec2bin program @KTSI
This is a very simple dec2bin program done for KTSI. #include #include #include using namespace std; string dec2bin (int...
Simple C++ Takeway Game @KTSI
This is a simple C++ Takeway Game done for KTSI. #include using namespace std; int main (int argc, char * const...
Simple C++ lottery program @KTSI
Here is a simple C++ lottery program done for the KTSI. #include <iostream> #include...