This is a simple C++ Takeway Game done for KTSI.
#include using namespace std; int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { // Init int coinCount = 1; // Welcome Message cout << "Welcome to the TakeAway Game" << endl << "====================================" << endl; // Input for coinCount while (coinCount <= 15) { cout << "Please enter how many coins you wanna use (>15): "; cin >> coinCount; } cout << "We start with " << coinCount << " coins" << endl; while (coinCount > 0) { // Human takes Coins int takenCoins = 0; while (takenCoins < 1 || takenCoins > 3) { cout << "Please take 1,2 or 3 coins: "; cin >> takenCoins; } cout << "You toke " << takenCoins << " coins" << endl; coinCount -= takenCoins; if (coinCount == 0) { cout << "D'OH! you won..." << endl; break; } cout << "there are still " << coinCount << " coins left" << endl; int itakeCoins; int tempModu = coinCount % 4; if (tempModu == 0) { itakeCoins = 1; } else { itakeCoins = tempModu; } cout << "I take " << itakeCoins << " coins" << endl; coinCount -= itakeCoins; if (coinCount == 0) { cout << "Ha! I won" << endl; break; } cout << "there are still " << coinCount << " coins left" << endl; } return 0; }