Import Evernote notes to OneNote 2010
Since I work more and more with Windows 7 I had a look at Microsoft OneNote 2010. Before I used...
Passed MCITP Certifications
In the last 2 months, I passed my first two MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional) Certifications. The first was the new MCITP:...
Simple Bean Machine program done in Powershell
In the last article I posted the C++ Code for a simple Bean Machine output. Now I did the same in Powershell. I know this is not really a...
Simple C++ Bean machine program @KTSI
This is a simple Bean machine program done in C++ for KTSI. This is how it works, you drop 100...
Simple C++ rect2polar program @KTSI
This is another simple C++ program done for KTSI. This one converts rectangular to polar coordinates. #include #include using...
Simple C++ dec2bin program @KTSI
This is a very simple dec2bin program done for KTSI. #include #include #include using namespace std; string dec2bin (int...
Simple C++ Takeway Game @KTSI
This is a simple C++ Takeway Game done for KTSI. #include using namespace std; int main...
Simple C++ lottery program @KTSI
Here is a simple C++ lottery program done for the KTSI. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std;...
Network Cisco iOS Workshop @KTSI
Small CISCO Network iOS Workshop at KTSI Set Switch IP Switch#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z....