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Move Azure Arc-enabled Server to a different resource group or subscription

Move Azure Arc-enabled Server to a different resource group or subscription with Azure PowerShell

This is just a quick post on how you can change and move your Azure Arc-enabled server to a different resource group or subscription. To do this, you can use the Azure PowerShell module and the Move-AzResource cmdlet. You can find more about the Move-AzResource cmdlet on Microsoft Learn.

# Get Azure Arc-enabled Server you want to move
$Resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines" -ResourceName "App02"
# Move Azure Arc-enabled server to new resource group and subscription 
Move-AzResource -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -DestinationResourceGroupName "tt-arcserver-rg"

The Move-AzResource cmdlet moves existing resources to a different resource group. That resource group can be in a different subscription.

Move Azure Arc-enabled Server to a different resource group or subscription with Azure PowerShell
Move Azure Arc-enabled Server to a different resource group or subscription with Azure PowerShell

The first command gets a Azure Arc-enabled Server named App02 by using the Get-AzResource cmdlet, and then stores that resource in the $Resource variable. The second command moves that resource into the resource group named tt-arcserver-rg. The command identifies the resource to move by using the ResourceId property of $Resource.

If you want to connect and migrate your Azure Arc-enabled server to a different Azure region, you can follow that Microsoft Doc.

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: January 31, 2023
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