Handwritten Emails and Drawings using Outlook
In the latest Office Insider Fast build for Outlook (1907 Build 11727.20034), you now get the...
Surface Go – My first Impressions and why I bought it!
I just received my Microsoft Surface Go. Yes, in Switzerland it was released just now, a couple of weeks after the US. The first review...
What Microsoft Surface Peripherals do I use
As you may know, the Surface devices are my work devices of choice since the first release of the Surface Pro back in 2013. I had a couple...
Use the Surface Pen as remote for PowerPoint
As some of you may know, I am giving a lot of presentations using PowerPoint on my Surface Pro or...
My next work machine – Surface Pro 3
I am a Surface Pro user since the first hour, the Surface Pro replaced my laptop. After I got my Surface Pro 2 I replaced my Surface Pro it...