Tag: Public Cloud

Azure Stack Webinar by Microsoft MVP Thomas Maurer

Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Speaking

Together with itnetX we are starting a couple of webinars on Microsoft Azure Stack. I am happy to...
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Speaking at the InfoNet Day 2017 about Azure Stack

Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Speaking, Virtualization, Windows Server

I am proud to announce that I will be speaking at the annual InfoNet Day event in Olten, Switzerland on October 31 2017. The event is...
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Interview: Microsoft Azure Stack – An Introduction

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows Server

Back at Experts Live Australia 2017 I had the chance to talk to Veeam’s Senior Technical Evangelist Clint Wyckoff about the upcoming...
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Microsoft Azure Stack – Azure Extension in your Datacenter

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • One Comment

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to attend the Microsoft Azure Certified for Hybrid Cloud...
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Green Cloud based on Windows Server Hyper-V and Windows Azure Pack

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

If you try to host some IaaS workloads or build a Hybrid Cloud environment connected to a service provider in Switzerland, you probably...
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Free Microsoft Cloud OS webinar series in March and April

Events, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

In March and April I will present together with Microsoft and itnetx in webinars about the Microsoft Cloud OS. The webinars will be free...
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50 Percent of Fortune 500 Using Windows Azure

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

Some days ago I wrote a blog post about the definition of Cloud Computing and of course I mentioned...
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The Definition of Cloud Computing

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • 4 Comments

The reason for this blog post was a lecture I had at university where lecturer talked about ERP systems (enterprise resource planning) and...
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Customize System Center App Controller Portal

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center, Virtualization • 3 Comments

System Center App Controller offers you a web based Self-Service portal for managing Virtual Machines and Services in the Private Cloud...
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System Center 2012 App Controller connecting to Windows Azure

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server • 4 Comments

Recently I have worked with the latest release of Windows Azure and the second Community Technical...
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