Handwritten Emails and Drawings using Outlook
In the latest Office Insider Fast build for Outlook (1907 Build 11727.20034), you now get the...
Encrypt Mails in Outlook.com (or Hotmail)
This is pretty cool! If you are an Office 365 Home or Office 365 Personal subscriber, Outlook.com (formerly known as hotmail.com or...
Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365
Some weeks ago Veeam announced Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 and now you can finally download the Beta of it. To be honest with you...
itnetx Cireson Advanced Send Mail for Service Manager 2012 and 2012 R2
Today itnetx and Cireson, the creator of many, many great System Center extensions released a new...
Windows Live error 8600108 when syncing Windows Live with Windows Phone
Yesterday morning I realized I did not get any mails over night so something must be wrong with the sync of my Windows Live/Hotmail...
SCVMM Snapshot Reminder with Powershell
I have created a small Powershell Script which will you remind of existing VM Snapshots. You can use this and create a scheduled task for...
Send E-Mail from Powershell
This is a small script which you can use to send E-Mail from Windows Powershell. This script has an...
Office 365 – Can not receive mails with ownen Mail Domain
After working with some test accounts in Microsoft Office 365 I realized I could not send mails to my own domain. In the Office 365 control...
Use Hotmail as a Exchange Account on your iPhone
Hotmail or Windows Live do support ActiveSync for Mobile Devices like Windows Phone 7, iOS,...