A lot of people wanna use Access or Excel Services with Sharepoint 2010. But this is only possible with Sharepoint Server 2010 Enterprise.
Here a short comparison of the different Sharepoint 2010 Versions and which Service Applications are supported.
Seen on www.sharepoint2010.at
Tags: Access, Access Services, Applications, compare, comparison, Excel, Excel Services, Microsoft, Microsoft Sharepoint 2010, Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010, Office, Office Services, Overview, Service Applications, Sharepoint 2010, Sharepoint Foundation 2010, Sharepoint Server 2010, Versions Last modified: August 2, 2010
Here you find a sample service application, called ParagoServices, built on top of the SharePoint 2010 Shared Service Architecure: http://www.parago.de/2011/09/paragoservices-a-sharepoint-2010-service-application-sample/