This blog post gives you a quick look at how you can export and import SharePoint 2017 or WSS 3.0 sites.
How to do a Sharepoint site export:
With this command, you can export the SharePoint site.
stsadm -o export -url http://sharepointsite -filename c:\backup\sharepointsite.bak -includeusersecurity -versions 4 -nofilecompression
Hot to do a Sharepoint site import:
With this command, you can import the SharePoint site.
stsadm –o import –url http://sharepointsite -filename c:\backup\sharepointsite.bak –includeusersecurity
More information to stsadm:
If you need more command options, check out the help of the stsadm tool.
C:\stsadm -help export stsadm.exe -o export -url <URL to be exported> -filename <export file name> [-overwrite] [-includeusersecurity] [-haltonwarning] [-haltonfatalerror] [-nologfile] [-versions <1-4> 1 - Last major version for files and list items (default) 2 - The current version, either the last major or the last minor 3 - Last major and last minor version for files and list items 4 - All versions for files and list items] [-cabsize <integer from 1-1024 megabytes> (default: 25)] [-nofilecompression] [-quiet] C:\stsadm -help import stsadm.exe -o import -url <URL to import to> -filename <import file name> [-includeusersecurity] [-haltonwarning] [-haltonfatalerror] [-nologfile] [-updateversions <1-3> 1 - Add new versions to the current file (default) 2 - Overwrite the file and all its versions (delete then insert) 3 - Ignore the file if it exists on the destination] [-nofilecompression] [-quiet]