Handwritten Emails and Drawings using Outlook
In the latest Office Insider Fast build for Outlook (1907 Build 11727.20034), you now get the...
Encrypt Mails in Outlook.com (or Hotmail)
This is pretty cool! If you are an Office 365 Home or Office 365 Personal subscriber, Outlook.com (formerly known as hotmail.com or...
FindTime for Outlook – Doodle for Business
Scheduling meetings can be a real pain you have to do calls, ask people and check calendars which can be a huge time effort. Lucky there...
First Impressions of the new Microsoft Lumia 950 XL – Microsoft did not compromise
For the past year I was using the Nokia Lumia 930 and the Lumia 1520 and I was really waiting for a...
Hello and Welcome to Outlook.com
Yesterday Microsoft launched Outlook.com. Just after a few hours after the launch Outlook.com got over a million users....
Microsoft Office 2010 Migration Guides
Microsoft released a article about migration to Office 2010. With the Office 2010 Migration Guides you can easy guide user trough the new...