Experts Live Switzerland 2020: Azure Hybrid – Learn about Hybrid Cloud Management
A couple of months ago I was speaking at Experts Live Switzerland 2020 in Bern. Now the recording...
Speaking at Experts Live Switzerland 2020
After being a speaker at many of the past Experts Live conferences, I’m excited to be chosen again as a speaker at Experts Live...
Azure Stack Hardware Augmented Reality AR Experience App
As you know, Microsoft Ignite 2020 has gone virtual this year. We have some great sessions, engagement options, the Cloud Skills Challenge,...
Speaking at Microsoft Ignite 2020 about IT Pros in a Cloud World
I am happy to let you know that I will be speaking at Microsoft Ignite 2020. Microsoft Ignite 2020,...
Join the Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020
You can join the Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020 and get a free Microsoft Certification exam voucher! Were you looking to take...
Microsoft Build 2020 Expert Q&A Azure Hybrid Cloud Management
This year, the Microsoft Build 2020 (May 19-20) will be a global digital experience with a non-stop, 48-hour interactive livestream...
Speaking at the Microsoft Virtual Training Week Germany 2020
I am happy to let you know that I will be speaking virtually at the Microsoft Virtual Training Week...
Speaking at Global Azure Virtual 2020 (Livestream)
As you may know, the Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 was moved to a virtual event called Global Azure Virtual 2020. I am happy to let you know...
Veeam Vanguard 2020
Last night I had some great news in my inbox. I got informed that my nomination for Veeam Vanguard 2020 was approved, and I just got...
Speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2020 Zürich
I am exiting to let you know that I will be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Zürich. This...