Written by 12:57 pm Hosting, Microsoft, Office 365

Create a DNS Entry for Exchange Autodiscover

Microsoft Exchange

This is a short blog post how you can create the DNS records and entry for Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover in the Genotec Hosting Control Panel. This works also with other DNS providers as well.

  1. First login to the HCC (Hosting Control Center).
  2. Navigate to domain names and choose your domain
  3. (OPTIONAL) If you not already have, create a new A record for your mail server (for example mail.the-it-crowd.ch)
    A Record
  4. (OPTIONAL) If you do not already create an MX record for your domain, create an MX record
    MX record
  5. Create a CNAMEDNS entry for your Exchange autodiscover domain. Normally this is pointing to your mail server. You could also use the already existing mail.the-it-crowd.ch A record. But I would recommend you to create this CNAME.
  6. Create the Autodiscover SRV record
    TYP: SRV HOST: _autodiscover._tcp.the-it-crowd.ch. DATA:
    0 0 443 autodiscover.the-it-crowd.ch.

You can find more information about Microsoft Exchange on Microsoft Docs.

I hope this blog post gives you an overview of how you create a DNS entry for your Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover setup. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. If you are running Office 365 and Exchange online check the following blog post about Office 365 – Verify your domain hosted at Genotec.

Tags: , , , , , , , , , Last modified: September 19, 2019
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